Sweetheart Stories
John Embree '70 & Marsha Embree (Otsea) '70
Contest Winner

We met on the gym floor during our freshman year, 1967. Marsha was taking a class and struggling to do a head stand. I was on the basketball team shooting hoops and went to assist her by holding her ankles. Someone said “You can do it Marsha”. That night my roommate,Jerry Rea, said “Let’s double date to the Valentines Dance”. Who to take? I know. I’ll take Marsha. Marsha who? Didn’t know. Ends up she was the only Marsha at CLC that year. Very nervous I called her. Marsha said “Who are you?” “I was helping you at gym class.” She said Yes!!! Later she called asking “How tall are you? Can I wear 3 inch heels and be shorter than you?” Yes! The week before the dance Jerry had to go home and I had no car. Fortunately Mark Wangsness on the basketball team had a car and said we could double with them. It was a big night with dinner in Malibu and pizza with more dancing after the dance. After that first date, came long walks and talks around campus. A great beginning that has lasted through 50 years of marriage and 2 daughters, both CLU grads.