Arts, Lectures and Gatherings

Architects Who Defined the California Landscape with Eleanor Schrader

Fifty and Better Spring Session

Architects Who Defined the California Landscape with Eleanor Schrader

The unique culture and climate of California, as well as our receptiveness to novel ideas, offered a splendid variety of opportunities for architects who designed our built environment in the 20th century. This class will explore works of distinguished California architects such as Paul Williams, Wallace Neff, Richard Neutra, Rudolph Schindler, Julia Morgan, John Lautner and others. Each architect brought an individuality of style to the California landscape, and the innovative characteristics of their work as well as the personal attributes and challenges that influenced their designs will be discussed.

Eleanor Schrader is an award-winning educator, lecturer and author. She lectures worldwide on art and architectural history and leads art and architecture tours throughout the world. She has been named a distinguished instructor at UCLA Extension, where she teaches history of architecture, interior design, furniture and decorative arts. She is also a professor emeritus of art and architectural history at Santa Monica College and has done graduate work in fine and decorative arts at Sotheby's Institute in London and New York. She has served as a design review commissioner for the city of Beverly Hills and currently serves on the board of directors of the John Lautner Foundation.

The Fifty and Better (FAB) program was designed for people 50 years of age and older, seeking intellectual stimulation through university-level courses — without the pressure of grades — for the sake of learning and social engagement.


Register by March 5, 3 p.m. PST

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Fifty and Better


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