Harry Domicone, Ph.D.
Professor of Business Administration, Emeritus
Office Hours: As Arranged
Harry Domicone's academic content area is Strategic Management, and his professional and personal interests relate to global strategy, marketing and managing services, entrepreneurship, and international higher education.
Prior to moving to academia, Dr. Domicone served as a vice-president of sales and marketing for a San Francisco-based publishing firm. In addition to his academic responsibilities, he served as the School of Management Director of International Relations.
- Ph.D. Strategic Management - University of Cincinnati (Ohio)
- M.B.A. California Polytechnic State University (San Luis Obispo)
- B.G.S. Ohio University (Athens)
- Strategic Management
- Management and Marketing of Services
- Global Higher Education
Murphy, S. M. and Domicone, H.A. (2009) "Trustworthiness and Social Loafing: An Examination of Austrian and American Students." Journal of International Business and Cultural Studies, 2; ISSN: 1941-5087.
Apfelthaler, G. and Domicone, H. A. (2008) "The Concept of Culture in a Pluralist Management World." Problems and Perspectives in Management. 8.
Apfelthaler, G., Domicone, H.A., Montanari, J.R., and Kidoniatis, P.G.L. (2005) "Causal antecedents and nascent conditions for strategic innovation: A theoretical model for practical investigation." Cosmo Themata: Global Aspects Review, 2, 7-16.
Montanari, J. R., Domicone, H.A., and Apfelthaler, G. (2002) "Antecedents and efficacious conditions for strategic innovation: An exploratory study for theory and practice." International Journal of Business and Economics, 2, 162-166.
Domicone, H. A., Bracker, J. S., and Shiffler, R. E. (1998)."Transaction Costs Economics: A Cross-Cultural Perspective for Understanding and Communication." Journal of Strategic Change, 7, 89-99.
Domicone, H. A., Montanari, J. R., Headrick, A. M., and Oldenkamp, R. L. (1993). "International dimensions of management: The trans-national efficacy of a venture development model." Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 5, 45-60.
Montanari, J. R., Domicone, H. A., Headrick, A. M., and Oldenkamp, R. L. (1993). Kulturelle implikationen fur die partnerschaft zwischen kleinunternehmen: Betrachtungen fur forschung und praxis." ("Cross cultural implications for small business partnering: Considerations for research and application.") Internationales Gewerbearchiv, 4, 40-54.
Chapters in books:
Gomez-Mejia, L. R., Domicone, H. A., and Headrick, A. M. "Social Responsibility in Maquiladora industries: A Cross-Cultural Perspective of Management Issues." In Karen Paul (Ed.) Contemporary issues in business and society in the United States and abroad. Mellen Studies in Business, Volume 8. (1991). Lewiston, Great Britain: Mellen