Heidi Coronado, Ph.D.
Professor of Counselor Education
Dr. Coronado is a faculty member of the Graduate School of Education and teaches in the Counselor Education Department. She is also a consultant and a Holistic/integrative Decolonizing transformational coach. She has played many roles in the educational system and has worked in various educational national and international settings from kindergarten to the university level as a teacher, counselor, parent educator, college professor, and community activist and integrative coach. Dr. Coronado’s work includes: ethnic identity development, educational access and resiliency in immigrant, 1st and 2nd generation Latinx and indigenous youth; Socio-emotional Development, Indigenous epistemologies and wisdom traditions for healing and empowerment; class, race, gender and ethnicity in education; critical pedagogy, and Indigenous/Latino/a mental health and healing practices. Through her work, she seeks to continue her activism and create positive change in society. She has a passion to create holistic, transformational, Decolonial spaces that inspire, encourage, and help others connect with themselves and their communities.
B.A., California State University Northridge, Cultural Psychology
M.A., California State University Northridge, Educational Psychology
M.S., California Lutheran University, Counseling
Ph.D. Claremont Graduate University
Other Certifications and Credentials:
Multiple Subject Bilingual Teaching Credential
Pupil Personnel Services Credential
Mindfulness and Meditation Certification-Chopra Center
MBTI Practitioner Certification
Kids Yoga Teacher Certification
Hispanic Association of Colleges and University Leadership Academy
Human Relations Faciliation Training
Mindfulness in Education-UC Berkeley
Mindful Schools Instructor Certification
Professional Certified Coach
Trauma Informed Practices
Chicanxs/Latinxs in Education, Mindfulness, Indigenous Pedagogy and Epistemologies, Chicanx-LatinxCounseling Psychology, Socio-Emotional Learning and Development, Ethnic identity development, Mindfulness and Contemplative practices in Education, Resiliency Development, CRT in Education; Critical Pedagogy, Indigenous/Latin@/Chican@ Decolonizing Mental health and Healing practices, Decolonization and Healing, Transformational Coaching and Social Justice Counseling.
Coronado, H. (2021) Living Life as a Ceremony: Identity, Sacredness and Healing. In Search of Our Brown Selves Orozco, & Toscano, S. and (Eds) Kendall Hunt Publishing.
Coronado, H. (2019)Learning To Breathe: Ancestral Healing, Spiritual Activism and the Medicine Wheel. In Voices from The Ancestors: Xicanx and Latinx Spiritual Expressions and Healing Practices. Medina, L. & Gonzales, M. (Eds). The University of Arizona Press.
Coronado, H. & Paredes, A. D. (2018). From Invisible to Visible: Documenting the Voices and Resilience of Central American Students in U.S. Schools. InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies, 15(1).
Coronado, H. (2018) Holistic Critical Race Pedagogies: Embracing Wholeness Through Resiliency Circles. UCLA Center for Critical Race Studies(CCRS) Journal (14)
Coronado, H. (2015) Donde Esta Tu Ombligo?E4rth is my Flesh Seeds of Resistance Flor y Canto Issue no. 3
Coronado, H. (2013) Central American Youth in The U.S. (Re) Claiming Identities and Spaces: Educational Experiences and Family Immigration influences On Ethnic Identity And Educational Aspirations. Claremont Graduate University, Doctoral Dissertation.
Coronado, H. (2011) Undocumented Education. AMAE Journal 5(1), 55
Perez, W., Cortes, R., Coronado, H., Ramos, R.. (2010) Civic Engagement Patterns of Undocumented Mexican Students. Journal of Hispanic of Hispanic Higher Education, 9(3), 245-265.
Perez, W., Cortes, R., Ramos, K., & Coronado, H. (2010). Cursed and blessed: Examining the Socioemotional and academic experiences of undocumented Latino/a college students. New Directions for Student Services 131, 35-51.
Perez, W., Espinoza, R., Ramos, K., Coronado, H., Cortes, R. (2009) Academic Resilience among undocumented Latino Students. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Science 20(10), 149-181.
Coronado, H. (2008) Voices of Courage and Strength: Undocumented Immigrant Students. eScholarship Repository, University of California.