Faith and Life Conference to Focus on Teaching

The Segerhammar Center for Faith and Culture will present a Faith and Life conference titled "Called to Teach: Education as a Vocation" on Saturday, March 15, in CLU's Preus–Brandt Forum. Dr. David T. Hansen of Columbia University and Dr. Charles F. Melchert, a retired professor of religion and education, will be among the prominent speakers, panelists and workshop leaders who will explore various aspects of teaching.

Hansen, a professor of philosophy and education at Teachers College, Columbia University and president of the John Dewey Society, will present "Educational Values for Our Time" during the morning session. A former director of the urban teacher preparation program at the University of Illinois at Chicago, his work focuses on the philosophy and practice of teaching. He is the author of several books, including The Call to Teach and Exploring the Moral Heart of Teaching.

In the afternoon, Melchert will present "Scriptural Wisdom and the Call to Teach." Recently retired, Melchert has been a professor of education and religion for more than 35 years, teaching both undergraduate and graduate levels. His research areas are the history and philosophies of religious education, the wisdom literature of the Hebrew Bible, and the impact of television on culture and church. His most recent book is Wise Teaching: Biblical Wisdom and Educational Ministry.

Presented by the Segerhammar Center for Faith and Culture and co–sponsored by the School of Education, the event is for teachers and administrators, pastors and Christian education leaders, and anyone interested in exploring how teaching affects the lives of those who learn and those who teach. The Segerhammar Center for Faith and Culture is dedicated to making connections between the University, the church and the professions, and to fostering conversation on topics important to our society. For information or to register for the event, call (805) 493–3936 or visit the CLU Web site CLU Web site
