Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

California Lutheran University’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is responsible for ensuring the humane and ethical treatment of vertebrate animals used in research and teaching activities and to ensure compliance with all applicable federal, state, and university laws and regulations.

The IACUC reviews all research studies and classroom activities involving live vertebrate animals for safety, compliance with regulations, and ethical standards.  It also provides guidance and resources for students, faculty, staff and study team members.

Animal Research and Scholarly Activities

All research and teaching activities at Cal Lutheran involving vertebrate animals must receive IACUC approval before any work with animals may begin. Cal Lutheran investigators are expected to conduct vertebrate animal research in an ethical manner in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations, institutional policy, and as described in the IACUC approved protocol.

Please Note: Research activities involving live vertebrate animals cannot receive IACUC approval retroactively. Federal regulations allow for IACUC approval only when it is prior to the initiation of the animal activities.

Animals in Events and Campus Activities

For non-research, non-teaching events and activities with privately owned animals on University property, the University Sponsor must complete and submit the Privately Owned & Visiting Animal Approval Form for IACUC approval before an animal is allowed on campus. The full process and requirements are detailed in the Use of Privately Owned & Visiting Animals Policy.
