Learn how CRLP can partner with your school or district to bring high level professional development opportunities to your educators.
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CRLP advocates for better access to literacy instruction in TK–12 education in the following ways: 

  • Creating professional learning designed to deepen teachers’ content knowledge and strengthen their classroom practice as they develop their capacity as leaders.
  • Maintaining a statewide professional network to bolster teachers’ subject knowledge and instructional skills in reading, literature and academic language. 
  • Building professional learning communities that contribute to teacher retention and effectiveness, especially in underserved schools and districts.

Learn more about Our Programs and Offerings


CRLP collaborates with partnership districts to support and sustain continuous improvement, including the implementation of State Boards adopted instructional materials.

Meet the Advisory Council for CRLP at Cal Lutheran

Map of CREEC regions highlighting Region 8 which includes Kern, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, VenturaServing Region 8

CRLP at Cal Lutheran serves schools and districts in Region 8, which includes Kern County, Santa Barbara County, San Luis Obispo County, and Ventura County.

View the Directory of Additional CRLP Sites

California Subject Matter Projects

CRLP is part of an inter-segmental statewide professional learning network comprised of the nine disciplines required for university admission (UC and CSU) and graduation from high school. Together we form the University of California Subject Matter Projects (CSMP). The overarching goal of the CSMP is to raise student achievement by:

  • Deepening teacher content knowledge and expanding their teaching strategies aligned with California Content Standards and Frameworks
  • Supporting teachers in the effective use of newly adopted, standards-based instructional materials
  • Focusing on academic English language development to prepare all students to meet or exceed academic content standards in the subject areas
  • Creating a statewide pool of expert teacher leaders and university scholars to conduct project programs and to translate California's educational policies and priorities into sound classroom practices to improve student achievement in K - 12 classrooms
  • Linking universities, schools, and districts together in collaborative partnerships to improve teaching and learning with professional learning designed to meet district needs


