Embracing Global Perspectives

Global Perspectives


The Center for Global Engagement writes a monthly newsletters, Global Perspectives, to showcase campus initiatives to support internationalization. Each issue features internationally-related updates/news, global happenings/events, and trivia.

If you have a relevant submission (e.g., international program/event, article/book, research showcase, student/faculty feature, etc.) then you can submit content for review to global@callutheran.edu. Submissions are due by the 15th of the month prior to publication. Note: CGE produces its newsletter three times per semester: Fall (September, October, & November) and Spring (February, March, & April). 

If not on our mailing list but interested in receiving the CGE Global Perspectives in your email inbox, send a message to global@callutheran.edu and we will add you to the distribution list. 

Most Recent Newsletter:

April 2024


