Professional Development
Here you can find a list of events and workshops that are curated by Digital Learning, but offered by outside organizations and institutions.
Please note: This page is updated as we find events that are relevant and helpful for faculty. If you know of an event and do not see it posted here, please feel free to email the Director of Digital Learning, Dr. Mirwais Azizi with your event information at
What is the Metaverse and Why Should Educators Care?
Hosted by Florida Virtual Campus
- Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2022
- Time: 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM (ET)
- Registration: Free and Required
- Speaker: Chad Mairn, Librarian | Innovation Lab, Learning Resources, St. Petersburg College
Web 1.0 gave us the Internet. Web 2.0 gave us mobile and social connectivity. The next phase (Web 3.0?) is giving us the Metaverse, a 3D digital copy of our physical world where we can connect and interact with others inside virtual spaces while removing time and place constraints. The Metaverse was coined by the writer Neal Stephenson in his 1992 novel “Snow Crash” and the concept is becoming more real and not considered science fiction anymore. In this webinar, participants will experience the potential educational application of virtual/augmented reality meeting platforms that enables people to collaborate in a 3D virtual environment from anywhere on earth.

Digital and Hands-on Laboratories: Upgrade your Online Science Course
Hosted by the Online Learning Consortium
- Date: March 1, 2022
- Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM (ET)
- Registration: Free and Required
- Speakers: Teage K. Drinnon, Professor - Ivy Tech Community College & Dr. Caitlin Runne-Janczy, Chief Academic Officer - Science Interactive
Students in online science courses need laboratory experiences. Digital, hands-on, and hybrid approaches all provide these students with the opportunity to learn, to apply, and to demonstrate their lab skills. This webinar will explore the multiple ways that instructors can engage their students by selecting the best online lab tools for their courses and teaching styles.
The speakers in this webinar, who are experienced online lab instructors, will share innovative, effective practices for delivering engaging online labs to remote learners. Participants will explore the various tools and methods to best deliver their own online lab course using digital, hands-on, and hybrid approaches.