Retention at Cal Lutheran

How You Can Help

Faculty member helping a student

Every interaction a student has at Cal Lutheran is important. No matter what your role is on campus, your impact on students' experience and sense of belonging here is significant and valued. This is directly expressed in our Brand Promise:

Both in and out of the classroom, everyone at Cal Lutheran is committed to helping each student pursue their passions to discover their purpose, and by following that purpose, transform their community — and the world.

Simple Steps to Support Retention

  1. Check in with students who are in your realm of work

    • Whether you interact with students through their academic pursuits, campus involvement, or work roles as student employees, say hello and ask them how they are doing.
    • Make an effort to remember the student's name or simple details they tell you like their major and career interests — this can go a long way in helping a student feel seen and valued.
  2. Ask students about their experience at Cal Lutheran

    • Strike up a simple conversation about the student's academics:
      • How are classes going?
      • Are you set to register for the next term?
      • Do you have any questions about selecting or registering for courses? If they have questions, please connect them with their Student Success Counselor
    • Help the student think beyond their current life as a student: 
      • Have you found activities at Cal Lutheran to explore your areas of passion?
      • Are you involved in any clubs or sports on campus? If they need support, please connect them with Student Life to find community on campus.
      • Do you have an idea of what you would like to pursue after graduation? If they need assistance, please connect them with Career Services for advising and preparation.
    • Check in on the student's wellness: 
      • How are you feeling today?
      • What has been the highlight of your semester so far? 
  3. Refer students who are struggling to the CARE Team

    • Be welcoming to all students and understand that they are experiencing many stressors.
    • If you encounter or see a student who is struggling, you can consult the Signs of Distress guidelines from Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). 
    • When in doubt, please send a referral to the CARE Team
  4. Learn new strategies to support students

    • From the Undocu-ally trainings, to Safe Zone, and many other training resources offered through Human Resources, there are a number of ways that you can expand your skills to connect with students.
  5. Suggest ideas to improve the student experience

    • Have you noticed something that creates a poor student experience or a barrier to success? No matter how big or small the idea may be, you can send your suggestions to

It is the people who come face-to-face with students on a regular basis who provide the positive growth experiences for students that enable them to identify their goals and talents and learn how to put them to use. The caring attitude of college personnel is viewed as the most potent retention force on a campus.

-Noel, Levitz, and Saluri