
Black History Month Display
Black History Month Display

For the entire month of February, stop by the library to check out the display celebrating Black History Month!

Academic Advising Daily Drop-Ins
Academic Advising Daily Drop-Ins

Have brief academic advising questions? Come to our daily drop-ins with an academic advisor!

Las Californias Indígenas: A Short History of Three Californias
Las Californias Indígenas: A Short History of Three Californias

Historian Damon Akins will discuss alternative narratives of California beyond the Gold Rush and the history of missions by centering Native Californians.

Pearson Library Focus Group
Pearson Library Focus Group

Register for a small focus group to give your input and ideas to the Pearson Library staff.

Vacation Homes, Enchanted Family Memories and Inequalities
Vacation Homes, Enchanted Family Memories and Inequalities

Join us in SWEN 101 to hear from Dr. Janning who will discuss her research on how socioeconomic and racial inequalities have impacted strategies within the vacation rental industry to meet diverse vacationers' needs and feelings of belonging in amenity-rich neighborhoods.
