Explore fabulous ways to continue learning with FAB.


The Fifty and Better (FAB) program was designed for individuals 50+ years of age, seeking intellectual stimulation through university level courses (without the pressure of grades) for the sake of learning and social engagement.

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Summer lectures are still available, and fall registration is now open! Click HERE for details and to register.

Collage of FAB Night photosFAB students at various activities in 2023-2024

Icon of handHow to Get Involved


Upcoming Course Sessions

Fifty and Better offers six-week course sessions, with classes on various subjects, such as art history, music, architecture, science, and history. Click the button to learn more about our current offerings!View Upcoming Sessions

Upcoming Lectures

Fifty and Better offers independent and two-part lectures throughout the year delving into topics such as artificial intelligence, neuroscience, artists, and more. Click the button to learn more about our current offerings!View UPCOMING LectureS

Events & Activities

Fifty and Better schedules activities year-round, both in-person and virtually, including tours of local museums and galleries, gatherings at events, and more. Click the button to learn more about our current activities schedule!


Icon of lightbulb  Did You Know?

In the 1980s, we were known as the Elderhostel program (aka Road Scholar). Today, we are Fifty and Better.
Like all good cycles in life, we have come full circle!