College of Arts & Sciences


David J. Marcey, Ph.D.

Department Chair

Professor and Fletcher Jones Professor of Developmental Biology
University of Utah 1985
Developmental Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Biology Education Research

Chad L. Barber, Ph.D.

Professor of Biology
University of California, Los Angeles 2008
Cellular biology, immunology, cancer biology and stem cell biology.

Sarah Gonda, DVM

Lecturer in the Biology Department
UC Davis 2000
Animal nutrition, animal behavior, comparative anatomy, vertebrate physiology.

Dana E. Harmon, PhD

Assistant Professor of Biology
Tufts University 2012
Molecular Microbiology

Andrea L. Huvard, Ph.D.

Professor of Biology and Environmental Science
UCLA 1991
Areas of expertise: ecology, evolution, marine biology, invertebrate zoology. Research focus: Microfiber accumulation in marine sediments and invertebrates.

Kristopher B. Karsten, Ph.D.

Professor of Biology
Oklahoma State University 2008
Evolutionary, behavioral, and physiological ecology; herpetology; lizard biology.

Amanda Misquez, M.S.

Lecturer in the Department of Biology

Gabrielle Names, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology
University of California Davis 2020

Robert Richards, PhD

Lecturer in Biology
University of California, Riverside 2002
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Anita Stone, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Biology
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2004
Behavioral Ecology; primatology
